Gurov, Andrey

Gurov, Andrey

Email Degree Ph.D., (Social and Economic Sciences) Finance, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Research Interests

  • Credit Risk Management
  • International BankRegulation
  • Financial Stability
  • Behavioral Finance/Economics
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Markets and Institutions
  • Company Valuation
  • Risk Management
  • Behavioral Finance/Economics

Andrey Gurov has over 15 years of professional experience, holding consulting and management positions with US and Austrian banks. During this time he has developed various credit rating models, which are used in more than 100 financial institutions throughout Europe. He has been with the American University in Bulgaria since 2010 and was promoted to Associate Professor of Economics/Finance in 2019.

Ph.D., (Social and Economic Sciences) Finance, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2005
B.S., Economics, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, 1999

Student Affairs
Professor Gurov is a faculty advisor to the AUBG Golf Club and the Assets Trading and Management (AT&M) Club. In 2015 the AT&M Club organized a Valuation Challenge in the Spring semester and a Trading Challenge in the Fall, which was generously supported with BGN 5,000 by Alaric Securities. In February, 2016, the AUBG team advised by prof. Gurov won the National CFA Institute Valuation Challenge and will represent Bulgaria on the global finals in Chicago, USA in April, 2016. Read an article in Bulgarian about the winning team in „Капитал“ newspaper.

Business Connections
Andrey Gurov works regularly with respected companies from the financial industry. Recently, he has completed consulting/training projects for Raiffeisen Austria, BAWAG P.S.K., Unicredit Bulbank, and others.

Social and Voluntary Work
Balkanski Panitza Institute for Advanced Studies – in January 2015, Andrey Gurov joined the board of the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study and is currently in charge of organizing a high-profile Summer School in Economics (2016)