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Skaptopara III Expansion

In Fall '26 the residence hall will accommodate 310 more students.

Construction timeline FAQ

What's new?


Double rooms


Single rooms


Study room



Skaptopara III

Opened in 2010, the Skaptopara III Residence Hall set a new standard for student accommodation in the region. The central body and Block A offered AUBGers cozy climate-controlled double rooms, flexible study, meeting and lounge spaces, a computer lab and kitchen.

With two new wings set to open in Fall '26, Skapto III will give students even more.

Blocks B & C
Blocks B & C Image

Blocks B & C

Parking Image


Sustainability Image


Project timeline

  • BoT approves construction    January
  • Construction begins    June


  • Rough construction is complete    September


  • Finishing works are complete    July
  • Students move in    August
Library Services Image


Your questions about expanding Skaptopara III, answered.

  • Yes, Block A will remain operational throughout the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 academic years.

  • While some disruption is inevitable, we plan on completing the "dirtiest" work during the times of year when students are not on campus.

Have a question?