Support the International Students Scholarship Fund | AUBG Week of Giving

June 06, 2024

This Week of Giving your support can help preserve an important aspect of the AUBG experience. The international environment at the university has always brought a unique element, both academically and socially.

The International Students Scholarship Fund aims to attract and support talented international students, enriching our campus with diverse perspectives and global experiences.

Sophomore Aleksandra Krasnova from Russia is making the most out of her time at AUBG. When not in class, she divides her time between the booth at Radio AURA and the director’s chair at the Broadway Performance Club. She is able to do that because of the support of our donors.

Join us in showcasing the powerful spirit and collective strength of the AUBG community. Donate and spread the word with your network. Together, let’s celebrate the achievement of 30 classes of AUBG students.