Two Million Chances to Change a Life: AUBG Unites

One Million Dollar Match by ABF

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The America for Bulgaria Foundation has pledged its remarkable $1 million gift by promising to match every contribution 1:1. This means that every dollar donated between July 1 and December 31, 2024 will be doubled. This pledge will provide the University a unique opportunity to maximize the impact of every single contribution, regardless of size and will significantly increase the resources available to support AUBG’s mission: to educate successful, ethical, engaged citizens who champion democratic values.

To secure this generous gift, AUBG must raise all the matching funds by December 31, 2024.

Your gift will be DOUBLED.

By supporting AUBG, you’re investing in a future where:

  • Leaders are ethical and engaged
  • Democratic values thrive
  • Innovation drives progress

Areas of Giving

People are noticing that important things are happening on our campus and that our work is valued in Bulgaria and the region at a time of great challenge and opportunity. They are supporting our mission’s focus on democracy, sustainability, and entrepreneurship.

  • Over 79% of AUBG students receive financial aid — and an inordinate amount of that aid is institutionally funded out of current operations; this is unheard of in higher education and proposes a great annual challenge for the university, especially as we progress toward our strategic goal of increasing the student population to 1,500 over the next five years. AUBG must be able to attract the best, most qualified, and deserving students regardless of their financial circumstances.

    When compared with other universities around the globe, AUBG’s tuition, room, and board is modest at approximately $16,000 per year. However, it is also well beyond the reach of most of our students who hail from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and former USSR states. On average the monthly gross income in these countries ranges from $1,083 to $2,166. Increasingly, we are also attracting students from Africa and the Middle East.

    Giving Options

    • AUBG Endowed Scholarships: All established and new endowed scholarships are central to AUBG’s mission to educate democratic and ethical leaders across multiple disciplines and professions. If you would like to establish a new endowed scholarship please contact Susan Johnson, Senior VP of Development at [email protected]
    • Students in need
  • To ensure AUBG is attracting the expertise and talent of the best academics and faculty, we must have appropriate resources to support their teaching and the creation of new knowledge, curricula, and ideas. From the beginning, AUBG has positioned itself as an American liberal arts college whose faculty would be considered outstanding in any liberal arts college in the United States.

    Giving Options

    • Endowed Professorships: Endowed and distinguished professorships are essential in attracting and retaining the brightest and most talented faculty and ensuring AUBG’s tradition of academic excellence. If you are interested in creating a new endowed professorship please contact Susan Johnson, Senior VP of Development, [email protected]
    • Faculty Research and Development: One of the best ways to support current faculty and continue to attract high quality faculty is to contribute to research and professional development.
  • Funds will be allocated and distributed at the discretion of the president so that AUBG may respond rapidly to emerging, timely or even unexpected strategic opportunities and to support and incent the most affected academic departments. This fund provides a general way to support all organizational initiatives including students from conflict and crisis zone areas as well as those from marginalized communities and needing additional assistance.

  • Please share your personal priorities if they fall outside of the options we have defined here.

Student Image

ABF's Commitment to AUBG

ABF has a longstanding history of supporting the American University in Bulgaria and its students.

Student Image

We’re proud to continue our support for the American University in Bulgaria through this matching grant challenge. AUBG’s commitment to democratic values and top-tier education aligns perfectly with our vision for a flourishing Bulgaria.

Nancy Schiller, President and CEO of ABF

Leading by example

We have just over five months to raise the money to get the match. We’re thrilled that as of today, we have already received 25% of the $1 million match, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of four major donors: Board Chair Michael Marvin, Board Members Dimitar Tsotsorkov and Elvin Guri (’96), and investigative journalist Christo Grozev (’95).

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The generous matching challenge grant from the ABF is a testament to their trust in our mission.

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For me, AUBG was character-forming more than anything else

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With 6,000 graduates to date, it has already delivered results to Bulgaria, the EU and the world

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Giving back to your community is an important tool to instill values in the next generation

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I am humbled to learn that new scholarship & fellowship programs have been named after me.

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Contact us

If you want to ask questions, help, share your story, or talk to the AUBG President, please connect with us.

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