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Our Six Key Strategy Pillars

The American University in Bulgaria’s five-year strategic plan intends to grow the institution to a more sustainable size and introduce initiatives that will increase its impact in Bulgaria, the region and the world.

Liberal arts
Global faculty
One campus
Diverse student body
Democratic values
Lifelong learning

Academic Institutional Golas

  • Engage students with significant contemporary and continuing questions and focus their studies to:

    • Understand the physical and natural world and the relationships of humans to the environment and natural systems.
    • Understand people, societies, and human cultures and the way their interaction in a global context shapes the future of the world.
    • Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities in various forms and contexts.
  • Encourage students through progressively more challenging problems and projects within the discipline and across the curriculum to:

    • Use critical and creative thinking to identify, analyze and solve problems and create new knowledge.
    • Communicate effectively in English through speaking and writing skills.
    • Apply quantitative skills to understand and process numerical data in solving problems.
    • Use appropriate strategies and technologies to locate, evaluate, and present information.
    • Participate productively in leadership or other team roles, work collaboratively to achieve common goals, and promote the equivalent importance of every team member.
  • Involve students with diverse communities and real-world challenge and encourage them to:

    • Develop commitment and strategies for handling civic, social, and personal responsibilities.
    • Understand diverse cultures and contributions in their global and historical contexts.
    • Demonstrate respect for diversity of thought and action.
    • Demonstrate ethical reasoning and decision making and an awareness of the role of values in society.
    • Integrate and apply knowledge, skills, and insights from curricular and co-curricular experiences for both self-development and life-long learning.
  • Engage students with complex problems and settings and encourage them to:

    • Integrate specialized and general knowledge, skills, and responsibilities, and apply them to new settings and complex problems.
    • Synthesize and seek advanced accomplishment in specialized and general studies.
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