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Academic Resources for Alumni



Graduation Certificate

Graduation Certificate

  • You can request a certificate by submitting a signed Certificate Request Form to [email protected]

    All requests require student’s signature. If the request form is sent from a non-AUBG email, the student must hand-sign it and attach it as a scanned copy.

  • There is a $4 per certificate charge. Payment methods accepted are available here.

Graduation Certificate Image

State Exams

To register for state exam(s), fill in a State Exam Application and submit it to the Registrar’s Office by the end of October for both December and May state exams. Only students who have completed all degree requirements for their major (s) will be admitted to the state exam (s). The state examination committees use the following six point grading system to grade the exams:

Excellent (6.00), Very Good (5.00), Good (4.00), Satisfactory (3.00) and Poor (2.00)

An examination is considered successfully passed if the grade is at least Satisfactory (3.00). Students who successfully pass the state exam or defend a diploma thesis will receive their Bulgarian diploma no later than four months after the state exam session. A student must complete the state exam within the first three exam dates following completion of coursework.

Schedule Spring ’24

Major Date Time Room
BUS May 16 9:00 am MB 14 & 02, BAC 204 & 201 Study materials
ECO May 14 9:00 am BAC 201 Study materials
EUR N/A N/A N/A Study materials
HTY May 16 2:30 pm BAC 203 Study materials
JMC May 15 9:00 am BAC 101 & 201 Study materials
MAT May 15 2:30 pm BAC 207 Study materials
POS May 14 2:30 pm BAC 203 Study materials

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State Exam Resources

See study guides and exam samples for each major below.

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA