Aleksiya Kokolios (’19) on Embracing Creativity at AUBG

July 23, 2024 Dimana Doneva
Aleksiya Kokolios (’19) on Embracing Creativity at AUBG

Aleksiya Kokolios graduated from AUBG in 2019 with a degree in Business Administration and Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC). Since then, she has embarked on a dynamic career in marketing and communications, culminating in her current role as Marketing Manager at software company Anthill. In this interview, Aleksiya shares insights into her career journey, the impact of her education at AUBG, and her advice for current students.

Career Path and Current Role

Aleksiya’s career path in marketing and communications began immediately after her graduation.

“I graduated in 2019 and got into the marketing and communication field immediately. I’ve been following that path ever since.” 

At Anthill, she manages a wide array of marketing activities, enjoying the variety and creativity her role entails. “My job revolves around overseeing all marketing activities across different channels and platforms, including digital content, events, and social media, and also working with a lot of different teams internally and externally with different partners.”

Aleksiya says she appreciates the diversity of her role. “The role is very diverse and dynamic, which I enjoy. I tried working in an environment  with one specific focus but I figured that it’s not really my thing. I enjoy having different challenges and opportunities.” 

Aleksiya Kokolios ('19) on Embracing Creativity at AUBG

Academic Journey at AUBG 

Reflecting on her academic background, Aleksiya believes her BA degree from AUBG was instrumental in shaping her career. “I think it prepared me quite well for it,” she said.

“The liberal arts education that AUBG offers promotes creativity on many different levels. And the fact that I was exposed to a lot of different topics in classes helped me develop my critical thinking.”

Aleksiya highlights the importance of the AUBG community in her personal and professional development. “I believe that I developed my leadership skills throughout the different clubs that AUBG offers, the smaller size of the classes that we have and the faster access to professors. You can catch them in their office hours or have lunch with them on campus.”

“We were working on a lot of group projects throughout our classes and in the student activities clubs, which in my current role happens on a daily basis. So I think AUBG has been instrumental in building my communication and collaborative skills.”

University Highlights

During her time at AUBG, Aleksiya was actively involved in extracurricular activities, which she describes as some of her most cherished memories. “Definitely one of my highlights was my time in the Broadway Performance Club , where I had the opportunity to be in four musicals and choreograph three of them.

“This has taught me so much on how to work with people from different backgrounds аnd leveraging each person’s strengths in order to create such a massive creative project.”

In addition to staging performances at AUBG, the Broadway Performance Club tours all the major cities in Bulgaria every year. “That experience is definitely a core memory in my head,” Aleksiya said. 

She also recalls the impact of her academic experiences, and particularly Professor Cohen‘s creative writing course. “I think this class will always stay with me, and I think about it every now and then. It really pushed my creative limits on writing and thinking.”

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Aleksiya Kokolios onstage of Hair.

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A scene from Spring Awakening.

Alumni Network

Aleksiya continues to maintain a strong connection with the AUBG community. “The alumni network plays a tremendous role,” she said. “I still have a very close relationship with the university. As a musical “veteran” I’m always happy to support the club. We do occasional meetings, give feedback on the current stage of the project or just offer moral support, which in times is very much needed.”

Professionally, the AUBG alumni network is also a constant presence, she said. “I often stumble upon fellow AUBG alumni in my work environment or networking events.

“I think coming from the same alma mater is like an invisible stamp of guarantee. It creates a sense of trust and likely alignment on values and ideas.”

Studying in Blagoevgrad

As a native of Blagoevgrad, Aleksiya had initial reservations about studying in her hometown. However, her immersion in campus life soon dispelled these doubts. “At first I had some doubts whether I wanted to study at AUBG because I had to stay in the same town,” she said. “However, when I started classes, it was such an immersive experience. My time was split between classes and rehearsals, and I was going back home only to sleep, shower, and go out. At some point, I would forget that I was even a citizen of this town because I was 100% involved in everything that was happening on campus. So it was a great experience.”

Understanding of Democracy

The diverse student body and the American-style education at AUBG profoundly influenced Aleksiya’s understanding of democracy and civic engagement. “In AUBG, we have students from all over the world. This allows for a discussion and comparisons of different political systems and democratic practices around the world.”

“The American style education emphasizes open discussion, freedom of expression, and questioning authority, which forms a strong sense of civic engagement and participation in social and political topics.”

Advice for Current Students

Aleksiya’s advice for current AUBG students is to embrace the plethora of opportunities available.

“My advice would be to not be shy and get out of your comfort zone and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.”

“Even if it’s something that you don’t think you’ll be comfortable with or whether you would like it, try it out. AUBG is the only university that provides so many extracurricular activities. So go out, explore. And if you find something that you like, stick to it. Because it might be where you meet your friends for life.”