CIDC and Sensika Technologies Partner to Tackle Disinformation and Protect Democracy

June 03, 2024 Dimana Doneva
CIDC and Sensika Technologies Partner to Tackle Disinformation and Protect Democracy

In a landmark partnership aimed at combating disinformation and safeguarding democratic discourse, the Center for Information, Democracy, and Citizenship (CIDC) at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) and Sensika Technologies have joined forces to establish a Disinformation Observatory and training certificate courses for information professionals. The initiative marks a significant step in the fight against the pervasive threat of disinformation, particularly in the Balkan region and Eastern Europe.

Speaking at the MOU signing ceremony on Wednesday evening at AUBG’s Elieff Center for Education and Culture in Sofia, President Margee Ensign said the partnership is very significant not only for AUBG but for the country and the region. “Disinformation and propaganda have always been with us, but technological advances have increased the threat dramatically. Because of this, democracies around the world are threatened. We are very proud to partner with Sensika in this pioneering project and to expand our role in searching for, teaching, and sharing the truth,” Dr. Ensign said.

Konstantin Hristov, Co-Founder and CEO of Sensika Technologies emphasized the importance of the partnership and the power of information. “Information is the most precious resource of our time due to its transformative impact on society and the economy. It drives decision-making, innovation, and competitiveness for individuals, businesses, and governments. This is why we – Sensika and CIDC – are joining forces, in a power union between Technology and Academia, to ensure the information out there is truthful and credible.

This is crucial because misinformation can lead to poor decisions, economic losses, and major societal harm. False information can undermine trust in institutions, distort public perception, and fuel conflicts. Accurate information supports effective governance, fosters informed citizenry, and promotes transparency. We are ready to make significant efforts to maintain the integrity and reliability of the most precious resource of ours to safeguard its beneficial impact,” Mr. Hristov said.

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The Executive Director of the CIDC, Dr. Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob said the partnership with Sensika marks a significant advancement in the CIDC’s mission to combat disinformation, uphold the integrity of democratic processes, and foster an informed citizenry and resilient society. “It is a first step in a suite of steps and initiatives that we need to tackle the threat of disinformation,” he said. “The Disinformation Observatory will serve as a real-time resource for disinformation research and analysis, monitoring and tracking, providing invaluable insights into the narratives that threaten public discourse and democratic integrity,” Dr. Jacob added.

The Observatory’s outputs will include a comprehensive narratives catalog, a weekly disinformation intel brief, and on-demand disinformation reports. These resources will provide users with detailed insights into disinformation patterns, helping to deliver strategies for countermeasures that would help maintain an informed public. AUBG students will participate as interns in identifying, tagging, describing, and cataloging narratives. 

The initiatives stemming from the partnership promise to create a robust framework for understanding and mitigating the impact of disinformation.  AUBG Provost Dr. J.D. Miniger witnessed the signing of the MOU and noted its significance. 

Sensika Technologies is a Sofia-based tech company specializing in advanced data analytics and information security solutions. Sensika is committed to leveraging technology to address complex societal challenges and enhance digital resilience.

Founded in 2022, the CIDC addresses critical challenges at the intersection of information democracy and citizenship. The center is dedicated to advancing democratic principles and fostering informed democratic citizenship at local, regional, and international levels.