Learning and Growing with the AUBG Steps to Success Course

March 17, 2023
Learning and Growing with the AUBG Steps to Success Course

Apart from the individual work with students, the AUBG Advising center coordinates the AUB100: Steps to Success course. This is an initiative that was developed throughout the years and today it is an integral part of the first-year experience of every student.

The course consists of a series of workshops designed to help first-year students make the transition from high school student to university student by developing the life skills they need for success throughout their academic career. A different instructor teaches each workshop. Topics may include becoming an active and strategic learner, managing stress, addressing addictive behaviors, selecting a major, emotional intelligence, and presentation skills.

About the Workshops

It comprises a series of workshops, each dedicated to addressing key aspects of university life, equipping the students with essential life skills vital for academic and personal success throughout their university journey. The course delves into various topics essential for holistic development, presented by faculty members and AUBG alumni, who bring unique insights and teaching styles from various disciplines within the university, for instance:

  • How to manage time, Prof. Bill Clark
  • How to listen effectively and take better notes, Prof. Spasov
  • How to communicate effectively, Prof. Lucia Vazquez
  • How to understand cultural differences, Prof. Konedareva
  • How to get the best of your education, Provost J.D. Mininger
  • How to deal with stress, Prof. Felix Diaz
  • How to manage conflict, Prof. Elena Radeva
  • How to thrive in group projects, Prof. Rossen Petkov
  • How to build healthy eating habits, Tsveti Miteva (’16)
  • How to deal with stress, Prof. Matthew Woolery

This approach aligns with Richard Detweiler’s vision of an authentic learning community, where students engage with faculty members both inside and outside the classroom. The lecturers not only share their academic expertise but also provide personal support to students, aiding in their adjustment to university life.

Learning Outcomes

Seemingly light and fun, the course motivates students to learn and grow through:

  • Gaining knowledge and skills to excel in self-directed learning and academics
  • Grasping their roles and responsibilities as integral members of a learning community
  • Developing awareness of the support services accessible for both academic and social success

The course facilitates interaction with faculty from various disciplines, fostering an appreciation for the liberal arts education offered at AUBG. Additionally, students gain valuable insights into diverse perspectives, helping them establish interpersonal relationships crucial for their well-being, team building, and academic decision-making.