Once Again, AUBG Welcomes Record Number of Students

September 02, 2024 Tsvetana Haydushka
Once Again, AUBG Welcomes Record Number of Students

The new academic year at AUBG starts, as usual, with excitement for a new beginning, hope for a bright future, and a promise for long-lasting friendships. The returning students, who came a week earlier than everyone else as part of the welcoming team in various roles, know these feelings very well. They’ve been there, done that.

Now, they are passing along their already established of certainty to the new students. To the ones who have yet to explore, understand, and get used to the AUBG community in just a week before the rest of the student body comes back and the Add/Drop week hits.

Meanwhile, the AUBG administration is making sure that everything goes as smooth as possible for the integration of the largest class in the history of the university. Just over a weekend, 355 students from 22 countries arrived on campus to go through their first-year-student experience, marking an 18% increase compared to the class that joined in 2023. On top of that, 29 exchange students from 11 countries also joined the AUBG campus as part of the student exchange body.

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This year we’re also adding a new country flag to the AUBG international family – the one of Mozambique.

Some of the bright minds’ achievements that are joining the AUBG community this year are:

  • A laureate of the Mathematics Olympiad in Georgia
  • A finalist in the Japan Physics Olympiad from Egypt
  • The winner of a national triathlon round in Kaliningrad

Even though we are yet to discover fresh AUBGers’ personal stories, here are some examples of the impact they’ve already had:

  • An activist from North Macedonia advocating for educational reform
  • A student from Kosovo dedicated to supporting women and children, victims of violence
  • The national basketball player from Albania exemplifying sportsmanship and fair play
  • The winner of the AUBG MultiTalent Quest ’23

To ensure that talented students from all backgrounds have access to higher education, AUBG provides financial support to 96% of its first-year students this year. Meanwhile, the AUBG spirit is rekindled yet again, this time for Class of 2028.

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