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Center for Information, Democracy & Citizenship

Empowering Democratic Citizenship in the Digital Age


Advancing democratic principles and fostering informed democratic citizenship through rigorous research, educational support, and strategic collaboration.


About the CIDC

Founded in 2022, the Center for Information, Democracy, and Citizenship (CIDC) at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) addresses critical challenges at the intersection of information, democracy, and citizenship.

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

  • Dedicated to advancing democratic principles and fostering informed democratic citizenship at local, regional, and international levels.

  • We envision the CIDC as a globally recognized hub for excellence, known for its commitment to strengthening democratic foundations and promoting engaged citizenship.

Executive Director

About Dr. Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob

Dr. Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob is the Panitza Memorial Endowed Executive Director of the CIDC. He recently served as the Under-Secretary-General for Research, Evaluation, and Foresight at the Organisation of Southern Cooperation.

About Dr. Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob Image


The CIDC Fellowship Programs enable the advancement of democracy and democratic values through empowering thought leadership, amplifying global networks, and generating and developing research and policy recommendations. We foster pioneering ideas and projects within our priorities to propose global solutions to address some of the most pressing challenges facing democracy and civil society. Our fellowships support outstanding individuals committed to democratic values, who want to make a difference in today’s rapidly changing environment, where democratic values are often under threat.

  • AUBG invites you to apply for the Christo Grozev Investigative Journalism Fellowship, a cornerstone initiative aimed at empowering the next generation of journalistic talent.

    Named after Christo Grozev, a world-renowned investigative journalist and AUBG alum, this fellowship program aims to support early to mid-career journalists who are committed to fearless and ethical journalism.

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News from CIDC


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