CIDC Non-Resident Fellowship

The Non-Resident Distinguished and Senior Fellowships at the CIDC is designed to engage top-tier professionals to lead influential policy or research initiatives mainly from their locations, focusing on pivotal areas that align with the center’s strategic goals. This program facilitates impactful research and policy advocacy efforts on a global scale. Fellows may also collaborate with the CIDC to create and deliver masterclasses or in-person/online certificate courses.


About the Fellowship

    • Empower Thought Leadership: Facilitate the development of pioneering projects and initiatives that address and propose solutions to international issues within CIDC’s thematic areas.
    • Strengthen Global Networks: Establish and nurture a network of global experts to collaboratively propel the CIDC’s influence in international policy dialogues.
    • Amplify Research and Policy Impact: Utilize the extensive knowledge and expertise of fellows to generate influential research outputs and robust policy recommendations.
  • For its inaugural cohort, the CIDC is particularly interested in projects that fall into three critical categories:

    • Investigative Journalism: Projects aimed at enhancing the transparency, accountability, and ethics of information dissemination, crucial for sustaining democratic practices
    • Democracy and Governance Scorecard System: Initiatives that provide a system to methodically identify and address the challenges and opportunities within democratic structures at various levels.
    • Technology Development for Countering Disinformation: Initiatives focused on creating technological solutions to identify, degrade, and counter disinformation and foreign malign influence operations


    • Prospective fellows will be recognized leaders with substantial accomplishments in their field.
    • Demonstrated ability to influence policy or practice on a national or international scale.
    • Proven expertise in managing complex projects from ideation through to execution.
  • The fellowship spans two years, with renewal possibilities based on mutual agreement, contingent upon the strategic alignment of the fellow’s work with CIDC’s ongoing goals and their demonstrated impact.

  • Invitational Appointment: The first cohort of fellows will be appointed by invitation. Invited candidates will be asked to develop a detailed project proposal outlining their planned research and policy activities.


Fellowship Program Structure

    • Orientation, Induction and Funds sourcing: Comprehensive introduction to CIDC’s vision, mission, focal areas, and strategic priorities. Applications for funding for project
    • Project Planning Workshops: In-depth sessions to refine project objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes.
    • Quarterly Progress Reviews: Project Scheduled virtual meetings to monitor progress, address potential challenges, and ensure alignment with the overall goals.
    • Project Implementation: Execution of the project.
    • Capstone Conference: Presentation of project to a curated audience of CIDC affiliates, stakeholders, and peers.
    • Publication and Outreach Support: Assistance in preparing high-quality scholarly articles, policy briefs, and engaging in public discourse.
    • Strategic Engagement Activities: Coordination of seminars, webinars, and panel discussions to broaden the impact of research findings.
  • While direct financial compensation is not provided (except in situations where the project funder provides compensation), fellows benefit from:

    • Dedicated Administrative Support: Access to CIDC staff assistance for logistical and administrative needs.
    • Grant Writing Assistance: Support in identifying suitable grants and crafting compelling applications to secure funding for research activities and necessary travel.
    • Professional Development Opportunities: Access to a rich network of academics, policymakers, and industry leaders, along with participation in exclusive workshops and seminars.
Fellowship Program Structure Image

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