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Recurring Gift

Donate without adding constrain to your budget

Make a recurring gift

What is a recurring gift?

A recurring gift is a donation amount that an AUBG benefactor chooses to contribute to a certain cause over a specific period of time (duration) at a monthly or annual basis as opposed to one-time support. By making a periodic payment, the donor creates a dependable source of financial aid that the University can count on throughout the year. Once the benefactor has entered his/her payment information and submitted his/her recurring gifts specifications, AUBG will automatically deduct the gifts from his/her debit or credit card as per the instructions he/she has provided (amount, frequency and duration). Every online donation is completely secure and flexible.

Make a recurring gift!

How to set it up?

Take advantage of our flexible, easy-to-manage giving option by following the steps below:

1. Go to the Donate page.


3. Create the pledge you would like to make by specifying:

  • The amount of the recurring gift;
  • Choose the frequency/interval of your gift by selecting one of the two options from the drop-down menu: monthly or annually;
  • Choose the date and month you want the gift to be deducted from your card. The website will automatically calculate the total amount of your pledge;
  • Finally, direct your money to the cause you would like to support by selecting it from the drop-down menu.


5. Press the SEND PLEDGE button.

6. You will receive an email confirmation after each recurring donation has been processed. At the end of each calendar year, you will receive a gift summary tax receipt totaling all of your recurring gifts for the year.

The Benefits of recurring gifts:

  1. PERSONAL SATISFACTION from providing financial support to AUBG’s students or academic programs;
  2. CONVENIENT, AUTOMATIC AND EASY way to make financial gifts without adding constrain to your budget;
  3. FLEXIBILITY as you can easily increase, decrease, discontinue your gifts, or change the debit/credit card being charged, just by contacting the AUBG Development Office.