AUBG Faces of Entrepreneurship: Startup Genesis

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
November 21st
CampusX, Sofia

With the upcoming fifth season of the AUBG accelerator program, AAA and Elevate are joining forces to celebrate еntrepreneurship in all shapes and sizes.

"AUBG Faces of Entrepreneurship: Startup Genesis" is dedicated to the idea of nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. We will gather participants from all seasons of Elevate, mentors, visionaries and believers.

There will be an exciting panel where we will talk about the impact of the Elevate Accelerator program so far and the opportunities it offers for the upcoming year and afterwards. The panel will be followed by some cool surprises and we will wrap up with some networking over a glass of wine.

Let us know you are coming

RSVP here