Financial Sanctions 101: What You Need to Know and Why, by Radomir Dukov

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
April 04th
Panitza Library


Financial sanctions wield immense influence, impacting global economies and directly affecting your institution's operations. This session offers invaluable insights into the legal nuances, operational impacts, and strategic foresight essential for bolstering your compliance and risk management strategies specifically tailored to financial sanctions. The urgency to act now is crucial. Failure to address and comply with financial sanctions regulations could jeopardize your institution's standing. Investing in this training equips your leadership with the necessary expertise to adeptly navigate the complicated web of financial sanctions, mitigating potential risks and ensuring strict compliance with evolving regulations before it becomes too late. The session guarantees actionable insights specifically tailored to financial sanctions, empowering your institution to proactively address challenges and opportunities within this crucial realm of the financial landscape.

Radomir Dukov is highly qualified and experienced expert in the field of finance, fraud prevention, anti-money laundering, and financial sanctions. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and a Master’s degree in Bank Management from Varna University of Economics, a Master’s degree in Political Management from the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, and a Master’s degree in National Security and Defence from the National Military College “G.S. Rakovski”, where he wrote a thesis on the state policy on anti-money laundering. He is pursuing a Ph.D. at the National Military College “G.S. Rakovski”, focusing on the analysis of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing framework of Bulgaria. The study involves a comprehensive analysis to evaluate the deficiencies in Bulgaria's AML/CFT system compared to international standards, identifying areas for improvement, and proposing a new theoretical framework tailored to Bulgaria. This framework will integrate the best practices observed in the comparison countries, aiming to enhance Bulgaria's AML/CFT measures and safeguard its national security.